Components are very important in Vue.js. The script provides you 6 components which you can use in your application and can easily reduce your development time. Here are the lists of components:
Component Name | Description |
Autosize Textarea | Automatic resizes textarea when input contents |
Date Range Picker | Select date range with ease |
File Upload Input | Upload input for files |
File Upload Progress | Live progress bar for file upload |
HTML Editor | HTML editor (Summernote) for entering rich text content |
Upload Image | Image upload and remove feature |
This script comes with many built-in features. You can always enable/disable this feature by navigating to configuration page. Here are the list of all the features available with the script:
Feature | Description | Default |
User Login | Allow users to login into the system | Enabled |
User Registration | Allow users to sign-up or create account | Enabled |
Reset Password | Allow users to reset password by requesting email | Enabled |
Reset Password Token Lifetime | Set Reset Password Token Lifetime | Enabled |
Social Auth | Allow users login with Social Networking sites (Facebook/Twitter/Github) | Disabled |
Login Lifetime | Set Login Lifetime | Enabled |
Password Strength Meter | Show password strength meter during password type | Disabled |
Email Verification | Force email verification on account creation | Disabled |
Account Approval | Force account approval on account creation | Disabled |
Accept Terms & Conditions | Accept Terms & Conditions during account creation | Disabled |
Two factor security | Force double authentication by enabling Two factor security | Disabled |
Screen Lock | Force screen lock due to inactivity | Disabled |
Toastr Notification | Displays beautiful notification in any corner of screen | Enabled |
Multilingual | Allow users to translate script to any language | Disabled |
RTL Support | Allow users to change display direction to Right to Left | Disabled |
Date/Time Format & Timezone | Allow users to change Date/Time format & Timezone | Enabled |
Https or Secure Site Redirection | Force redirect to Https or Secure Site | Disabled |
Error Log | Display detail of error thrown by script | Disabled |
IP Filter | Block external IPs to access this script | Disabled |
Activity Log | Log every activity logged in user performs | Enabled |
Email Log | Log every email logged in user sents | Enabled |
Custom Email Templates | Pre-defined & Custom Email Templates | Disabled |
Todo app | Todo app for users | Disabled |
Private Message | Send/Receive Private Message, Save message as Draft, Mark message Important, Move to Trash | Disabled |
Backup | Complete Database Backup, Schedule Database Backup | Disabled |
Maintenance Mode | Once click Maintenance Mode for users | Disabled |
Multiple Mail Drivers | Mail, Sendmail, SMTP, Mailgun, Mandrill, Log drivers | Enabled (Default Log) |
User Roles & Permissions | Create Unlimited Roles, Assign permission to roles | Enabled |
Show Hide Menu | Choose menu which you want to display in sidebar | Enabled |
SMS Api | Nexmo SMS API | Enabled |