Mint Task Manager SaaS Version is built with:

  1. Laravel 9.0 (Most Popular PHP Framework)
  2. Bootstrap 4.3.*, jQuery 3.3.1, Vue.js 2..*
  3. MySQL Database

SaaS Version includes three different folders as following:

  1. Frontend Website Layout (Demo available at
  2. Admin & Staff Interface (Demo available at with Email "" & Password "password")
  3. Task Manager Application (Demo available at with Email " & Password "password")

You are free to browse the available demo and perform various actions. Some of the actions are restricted in "Test Mode" like changing password etc. To check the client part, you can create demo account with, an email will be sent to your registered email id with activation code and a link to activate the account. Once you click in the activation link, you will be redirected to client URL where you can provide desired input and create a client account for this SaaS Version.

The script uses "composer" for PHP dependency manager which is by default used in Laravel Framework. Below are the PHP packages used in this script:

  • tymon/jwt-auth
  • barryvdh/laravel-dompdf
  • bepsvpt/secure-headers
  • guzzlehttp/guzzle
  • intervention/image
  • laravel/socialite
  • nexmo/laravel
  • sentry/sentry-laravel
  • spatie/laravel-permission
  • paypal/rest-api-sdk-php
  • stripe/stripe-php
  • mint/service

The script also uses "npm" tools to build the application. Below npm packages are used:

  • chart.js
  • laravel-vue-pagination
  • uuid
  • v-tooltip
  • vue-chartjs
  • vue-form-wizard
  • vue-multiselect
  • vue-router
  • vue-switches
  • vuejs-datepicker
  • vuejs-dialog
  • vuex

Subscription feature is accomplished with Paypal Express checkout & Stripe API (which accepts all major Credit Card depending upon the available in your country).