Components are very important in Vue.js. The script provides you multiple components which you can use in your application and can easily reduce your development time. Here are the lists of some components:
Component Name | Description |
Autosize Textarea | Automatic resizes textarea when input contents |
Date Range Picker | Select date range with ease |
File Upload Input | Upload input for files |
File Upload Progress | Live progress bar for file upload |
HTML Editor | HTML editor (Summernote) for entering rich text content |
Upload Image | Image upload and remove feature |
This script comes with many built-in features. You can always enable/disable this feature by navigating to configuration page. Here are the list of all the features available with the script:
Feature | Description | Default |
User Login | Allow users to login into the system | Enabled |
User Registration | Allow users to sign-up or create account | Enabled |
Reset Password | Allow users to reset password by requesting email | Enabled |
Reset Password Token Lifetime | Set Reset Password Token Lifetime | Enabled |
Social Auth | Allow users login with Social Networking sites (Facebook/Twitter/Github) | Disabled |
Login Lifetime | Set Login Lifetime | Enabled |
Password Strength Meter | Show password strength meter during password type | Disabled |
Email Verification | Force email verification on account creation | Disabled |
Account Approval | Force account approval on account creation | Disabled |
Accept Terms & Conditions | Accept Terms & Conditions during account creation | Disabled |
Two factor security | Force double authentication by enabling Two factor security | Disabled |
Screen Lock | Force screen lock due to inactivity | Disabled |
Toastr Notification | Displays beautiful notification in any corner of screen | Enabled |
Multilingual | Allow users to translate script to any language | Disabled |
RTL Support | Allow users to change display direction to Right to Left | Disabled |
Date/Time Format & Timezone | Allow users to change Date/Time format & Timezone | Enabled |
Https or Secure Site Redirection | Force redirect to Https or Secure Site | Disabled |
Error Log | Display detail of error thrown by script | Disabled |
IP Filter | Block external IPs to access this script | Disabled |
Activity Log | Log every activity logged in user performs | Enabled |
Email Log | Log every email logged in user sents | Enabled |
Custom Email Templates | Pre-defined & Custom Email Templates | Disabled |
Todo app | Todo app for users | Disabled |
Private Message | Send/Receive Private Message, Save message as Draft, Mark message Important, Move to Trash | Disabled |
Backup | Complete Database Backup, Schedule Database Backup | Disabled |
Maintenance Mode | Once click Maintenance Mode for users | Disabled |
Multiple Mail Drivers | Mail, Sendmail, SMTP, Mailgun, Mandrill, Log drivers | Enabled (Default Log) |
User Roles & Permissions | Create Unlimited Roles, Assign permission to roles | Enabled |
Show Hide Menu | Choose menu which you want to display in sidebar | Enabled |
SMS Api | Nexmo SMS API | Enabled |