You might be familiar with npm run command which performs a series of tasks define in package.json file. Package.json file is available in the root of the script.

If you go to package.json file, you will get some pre-defined scripts as below:

npm run dev: This command is short-form for npm run development, which compiles the assets in unminified version.

npm run development: This performs same operation as npm run dev.

npm run watch: This command compiles the assets and watch for the changes.

npm run hot: This command compiles the assets and watch the files with instant reload.

npm run prod: This command is short-form for npm run production, which compiles the assets in minified version.

npm run production: This performs same operation as npm run prod.

You can also define dependencies and developer dependencies for your project in this package.json file. For example, Vuex library is used in this script, therefore it is added in devDependency. You can add any dependency and install it via npm install command.

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